Studies Association
MSA NEWSLETTER January 4, 2022
Mediterranean Studies Association
24th Annual International Congress
May 25 - 28, 2022
Dear MSA Colleagues,
I am sure that most of us saw the end of 2021 without any sadness or tears and welcomed 2022 with hope and optimism in spite of the current Omicron surge. I am happy to report that we continue to move forth with plans for an on-site Congress at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, May 25-28, 2022. We are working on the assumption that the current surge will began to ebb the end of January and will be sufficiently mitigated to allow the planned on-site Congress.
That said, we are again organizing the Congress Program as a hybrid with the option for those who cannot attend the Congress in person to offer a virtual presentation of their paper. Geoffrey DeVito will again orchestrate the virtual component of the Congress as he did last year with such consummate skill. Of course, we want as many Congress participants as possible to join us in Lisbon to enjoy the camaraderie and collegial atmosphere only garnered by fully participating in the Congress. But for those who can not join us in person, we want to have the virtual option available to you.
As the Program Committee continues organizing the Congress Program, I ask you to please submit your proposals as soon as possible for either individual or full panel proposals. Please keep in mind that the early registration period ends February 1. I also call your attention to a major new benefit of MSA membership. Thanks to our Editor Susan Rosenstreich we have been able to negotiate a very generous arrangement with the Pennsylvania State University Press. We are now able to include the MSA JOURNAL in your Annual Membership benefits with no increase in membership fees.
So happy New Year to everyone, be safe, please get your proposals in ASAP and keep in mind the deadline for Early Registration is February.
Benjamin Taggie
Executive Director
Mediterranean Studies Association