
Studies Association

Lisbon, May 27-30, 1998 


Discovery, New Frontiers, and Expansion in the

Luso-Hispanic Worlds

Sponsored by:

Mediterranean Studies Association

Luso-American Development Foundation

Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações dos Descobrimentos Portugueses

Biblioteca Nacional

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture

Arizona State University, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Wednesday, May 27, 1998

Luso-American Development Foundation

R. do Sacramento à Lapa, 21



Registration opens


Opening session


Plenary lecture

Francisco Bethencourt, President, Biblioteca Nacional, "The Longevity of the Portuguese Empire: Problems and Hypotheses"


Reception, sponsored by the Luso-American Development Foundation


Thursday, May 28, 1998

Biblioteca Nacional

Campo Grande, 83


9:00 - 11:00

A. Amphitheatre

1A. Spanish Imperialism and the Protestant World

Chair: Barbara Fuchs, University of Washington

1. Carmen Nocentelli-Truett, Stanford University, "Beyond East and West: Argensola’s Conquista de las islas Malucas and European Representations of South East Asian Cultures"

2. Anston Lawrence Bosman, Stanford University, "Bredero’s Spaanschen Brabander: Staging a Protestant Picaresque"

3. Edmund Campos, Stanford University, "Fruits of the Armada: The Development of the English-Spanish Dictionary"


B. Board Room

1B. Eighteenth-Century British Travelers in Italy

Chair: O M Brack, Jr., Arizona State University

1. O M Brack, Jr., "Tobias Smollett: The Scott in Italy"

2. Gay W. Brack, Arizona State University, "A Bluestocking Abroad: Hester Lynch Piozzi’s Travels in Italy"

3. Leslie Chilton, Arizona State University, "What's a Nice Lady Like You Doing in a Place Like This: Lady Mary in Italy"


C. Meeting Room

1C. Legends of the Fall: Spanish Revisions of the Imperial Past, 1893-1992

Chair: Antonio Costa Pinto, ISCTE

1. Adrian Shubert, York University, "Spain Goes to the Fair: Spanish Self-Representation at International Expositions, 1893-1992"

2. Sandie Holguín, University of Oklahoma, "Reclaiming Empire: The Primer Congreso Hispanoamericano de Cinematografía (1931)"

3. David Ortiz, Jr., University of Arizona, "The 1898 Disaster?: Homosexuality in Fin de Siglo Spain"


11:30 - 1:30

A. Amphitheatre

2A. Merchant Capital and Colonialism in the Making of Mozambique

Chair: Jeanne Penvenne, Tufts University

1. Sandra Ferreira, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, "The British in Delagoa Bay: A Problematic Presence, c. 1890s to 1926"

2. Joel das Neves, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, "Children Crossing the Border to Zimbabwe: A Study of Child and Youth Labour Migration in Central Mozambique, 1930s-1960s"

3. Pedro Machado, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, "‘Without Scales and Balances’: Gujarati Merchant Capital and the Portuguese in Mozambique, 1680s-1800"

4. Luis Covane, Eduardo Mondlane University, and ARPAC, Maputo, Mozambique, "Settler Agriculture, Rural Commerce and Migrancy in the Limpopo Valley (Southern Mozambique), 1900-1950"


B. Board Room

2B. The Middle Ages

Chair: Rebecca Leuchak, Roger Williams University

1. James F. Powers, College of the Holy Cross, "Development of the Foral Tradition on the Twelfth-Century Christian and Muslim Frontiers"

2. Clara Estow, University of Massachusetts Boston, "Gold and Overseas Expansion in Medieval Iberia"

3. Marta VanLandingham, Purdue University, "Apparatus of Conquest and Consolidation: The Role of the Royal Court in Arago-Catalan Expansion into the Mediterranean in the Late Thirteenth Century"

4. Theresa Earenfight, Fordham University, "The Inverted Royal Image: Queenship, Law, and Governance in the Late Medieval Crown of Aragon"


C. Meeting Room

2C. Narratives, Language, and Colonization

Chair: Marsha Swislocki, Dartmouth College

1. César Braga-Pinto, Rutgers University, "Discovery and Restoration in Narratives of Portuguese Conquest"

2. Ilkka Ruohonen, Helsinki University, "The Shifting Contexts of the Portuguese Overseas Narratives"

3. Emma Martinell Gifre, Barcelona University, "The Mediterranean Sea: The Increase in the ‘Awareness of Language’" [read by Frances Luttikhuizen, Barcelona University]

4. John de Oliveira e Silva, La Guardia College, City University of New York, "Reinventing the Nation: Luís de Camões’ Epic Burden"


1:30 - 3:00, Lunch (on your own)


3:00 - 5:00

A. Amphitheatre

3A. Art in the Mediterranean World

Chair: Liana De Girolami Cheney, University of Massachusetts Lowell

1. Glenn W. Olsen, University of Utah, "On the Frontiers of Eroticism: The Romanesque Monastery of San Pedro de Cervatos"

2. Mari-Tere Alvarez Oller, Getty Museum, "Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century Artistic Ventures on the Iberian Peninsula: Hybridity and Collaboration"

3. Marilyn S. Clark, University of Kansas, "Mediterranean Italian Architecture in Prague"

4. Tina Waldeier Bizarro, Rosemont College, "Victor Hugo's 'roman' and 'l'architecture romane'"

5. Liana De Girolami Cheney, "Concealments and Revelations in Josefa de Ayala D'Óbidos' Self-Portraits"

6.  Memory Holloway, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, "The Mediterranean Eye: Conflict, Control, and Fixation in 20th Century Painting"


B. Board Room

3B. Portugal Overseas: Building and Maintaining Empire

Chair: George Winius, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

1. António de Rosas Leitão, Escola Militar, "Dividing the Waters: The Fatefull Treaty of Tordesillas"

2. Jorge dos Santos Alves, Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, "Portuguese Trade and Influence in Southeast Asia"

3. António Vasconcelos de Saldanha, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, "Law and Custom in the Position of Macao"

4. Teotónio R. de Souza, Universidade Lusófona, "Portuguese Travelers in India and the Problem of Communication"

5. Francisco de Sousa Lobo, Amigos dos Castelos de Portugal, "Portuguese Fortifications in Morocco and in India"


C. Meeting Room

3C. Tourists, Emigrants, and the Mediterranean

Chair: Frank F. Sousa, Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

1. Marcelo J. Borges, Dickinson College "Traditions, Systems, and Networks in Portuguese Emigration: The Algarve, Eighteenth-Twentieth Centuries"

2. Francisco LaRubia-Prado, Georgetown University, "The New Frontier Within: Enlightenment Utopianism and Internal Colonization in Spain"

3. Rosa Sanz, Valladolid University, "The Consideration of the American World from Pedro Salina’s Travel Letters (1912-1951)"


5:30 - 6:30

Plenary Session, Amphitheatre

Felipe F. R. Fernandez-Armesto, University of Oxford, "The Mediterranean vs. the Atlantic in the Age of Explorations"



Reception at the Castelo de São Jorge, Casa do Leão, sponsored by the Mediterranean Studies Association, the Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, and the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Arizona State University

Friday, May 29, 1998

Biblioteca Nacional

Campo Grande, 83


9:00 - 11:00

A. Amphitheatre

4A. Gender, Family, and Urban Life

Chair: Jodi Bilinkoff, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

1 Paola Tinagli, Edinburgh College of Art, "Mediterranean Journeys in Fifteenth-Century Florentine Cassone Panels"

2. Jodi Bilinkoff, "Widowhood and Religious Expression in Early Modern Spain: The View from Avila"

3. Marianna D. Birnbaum, Central European University, "Gracia Mendes and Ragusa: A Sixteenth-Century Jewish Businesswoman in the Mediterranean World"


B. Board Room

4B. Canciones de ir y venir: Round-Trip Genre

Chair: M.-Ana Börger-Reese, Millersville University

1. M.-Ana Börger-Reese, "Learned Epic/Traditional Epic: La Araucana and the Cantar de Mio Cid"

2. Dorothy Louise, Franklin and Marshall College, "Old World, New World Versions of the Tempest"

3. José Greco, Franklin and Marshall College and the José Greco Foundation for Hispanic Dance, "Canciones de ir y venir": Songs of Coming and Going in the Old World and the New"


C. Meeting Room

4C. Luso-Brazilian Studies I

Chair: Daniel W. Gade, University of Vermont

1. Daniel W. Gade, "Historical Lexicons of the Indies in the Luso-Iberian Imagination"

2. Shawn W. Miller, Brigham Young University, "To Build, or Not to Build: The Suitability of Constructing Royal Vessels in Brazil for the Portuguese Marine, 1549-1670"

3. Ligia Pinheiro, Ohio State University, "An Allegorical Ballet: Portuguese Court Dance and Coronation in the New World"


11:30 - 1:30

A. Amphitheatre

5A. Philosophy and Society in the Mediterranean World

Chair: William Bestor, Linfield College

1. John P. Doyle, Saint Louis University, "The Conimbricenses on the Semiotic Character of Mirror Images"

2. Margarita Vega Rodríguez, Valladolid University, "Metaphoric Worlds and Iberian Philosophy"

3. William Bestor, "The Fundamental Value Orientations in Traditional Portuguese Culture"

4. Melody L. Knutson, University of California, Santa Barbara, "Images of the Past in the New Frontier: Minho and Galicia at the Vinho Verde Wine Festival, Northwest Portugal"


B. Board Room

5B. English Literature and the Mediterranean

Chair: William Baker, Northern Illinois University

1. Rocco Coronato, University of Pisa, "The Mediterranean and the Discovery of Time in ‘The Winter’s Tale’"

2. Christopher Hodgkins, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, "Milton’s Satan as Conquistador" [read by Jodi Bilinkoff]

3. William Baker, "Some English Perceptions of Iberia: 1830s and 1840s"

4. Kenneth Womack, Penn State Altoona, "Lawrence Durrell’s Mediterranean Dream: Reading Justine and the Ethical Voice of the Sea"


C. Meeting Room

5C. The Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Chair: Clara Estow, University of Massachusetts Boston

1. Martin Malcolm Elbl, Trent University, "My Enemy’s Enemy Must be My Friend: The Economics of Commercial Competition in the Late Fourteenth-Century Maghrib Trade"

2. Ivana Elbl, Trent University, "Portuguese Nobility and the Atlantic during the Reign of D. Afonso V"

3. Susan L. Rosenstreich, Dowling College, "The Politics of Court and Empire in Aragon Spain through the Eyes of a Florentine Aristocrat"


1:30 - 3:00, Lunch (on your own)


3:00 - 5:00

A. Amphitheatre

6A. The Power of Images in Modern Italy

Chair: Elizabeth Mathias, St. John’s University

1. Robert C. Davis, Ohio State University, "Images and Rituals of Redemption in Venetian Processions of Ransomed Slaves, 1600-1797"

2. Moyra Byrne, Washington, DC, "Flagellants, Mass Communications, and a New Middle Class: Towards the New Millennium"

3. Elizabeth Mathias, "Naples in Love: Images and Power in the Development of the St. Filomena Cult"

4. Richard Raspa, Wayne State University, "Images from the Walkway: Contemporary Italian Fashion and the Body’s Procession"


B. Board Room

6B. The Frontiers of Europe: Implications and Arguments about Portugal’s Membership in the European Union

Chairs: Andrea Klimt and Michael Baum, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

1. Michael Baum and Richard Vengroff, University of Connecticut, "Post-Materialism and Popular Suport for European Integration: Regional Variations in Portugal"

2. Carlos Cunha, Dowling College, "The Portuguese Communist Party and the European Union"

3. Andrea Klimt, "‘Becoming European’: New Forms of National Belonging among Portuguese Migrants in Germany"

4. José Manuel Pinto Leite Viegas, ISCTE, "Beliefs and Attitudes of Portuguese Elites towards European Integration"

Discussant: Antonio Costa Pinto, ISCTE, Lisbon


C. Meeting Room

6C. Commerce and Conquest

Chair: Linda Wimmer, Bridgewater State College

1. Rui D’Avila Lourido, European University Institute, "Macao, the Europeans, and the Indian Ocean, 1600-1683"

2. Joseph M. Hall, University of Wisconsin—Madison, "Creek Coalescence on the Fringes of Spanish Florida"


5:30 - 6:30

Plenary Session, Amphitheatre

George Winius, Inaugural Presidential Lecture, Mediterranean Studies Association, "Vasco da Gama: Speculations on a Voyage"


Saturday, May 30, 1998

Luso-American Development Foundation

R. do Sacramento à Lapa, 21


9:00 - 11:00

A.  Auditorium A

7A. Discovery and Colonization

Chair: Beatriz Helena Domingues, Federal University de Juiz de Fora

1. Jaime Gómez de Caso Zuriaga, University of Alcalá de Henares, "Spanish Historians and the Discoveries of the Carthaginians and the Vikings"

2. Beatriz Helena Domingues, "The Medieval and the Modern in Iberian Colonization"

3. Ann Storey, Evergreen State College, "The Synthronos Trinity: A Justification for Discovery, Conquest, and Colonization in the Iberian World"

4. Melissa Waldman, University of Michigan, "Crossing the Line: The French in Florida, 1565"


B.  Auditorium B

7B. Luso-Brazilian Studies II

Chair: T. Scott Clapp, Arizona State University

1. Maria Fernanda Baptista Bicalho, Federal Fluminense University, "The City of Rio de Janeiro and the Articulation of the South-Atlantic World in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries"

2. Jurandir Malerba, Maringá State University (Paraná), "The Composition of Elites and Social Interactions in the Rise of the Brazilian Imperial State"

3. Linda Wimmer, Bridgewater State College, "Competing Occupations: The Dynamics of the Agrarian Frontier in the Eighteenth-Century Bahian Reconcavo"


C.  Conference Room

7C. Literature and Music of the Iberian Peninsula

Chair: Cleveland Johnson, Spelman College

1. Edward H. Friedman, Indiana University, "Don Quixote and the Issue of Authority"

2. Kenneth A. Stackhouse, Virginia Commonwealth University, "The Union of the Crown in Three Comedias of Lope de Vega"

3. Lara Aase, University of Toronto, "Catalina de Erauso, Picaresque Hero(ine)"

4. Victoria Cavia-Naya, Valladolid University, "Expansion of the Spanish Musical Expression from the Romantic Legacy to the Twentieth Century: Exoticism, Folklorism, and National Identity"


11:15 - 1:00

A.  Auditorium A

8A. Martyrs, Relics and Ritual on the Northern Mission Frontiers of Nueva España

Chair: Maureen Ahern, Ohio State University

1. Maureen Ahern, "Dichosas Muertes: Frontier Martyrdom in Sixteenth-Century New Mexico and Florida"

2. Daniel T. Reff, Ohio State University, "Making the Holy Land: Relics and the Jesuit Mission Frontier in Nueva España"

3. Barbara De Marco, University of California, Berkeley, "Conversion and Repudiation on the New Mexico Frontier"


B.  Auditorium B

8B. Iberian History: Late Middle Ages/Early Modern

Chair: Ivana Elbl, Trent University

1. Lorraine C. Attreed, College of the Holy Cross, "Friends in Need or in Deed?: Anglo-Portuguese Relations in the Fifteenth Century"

2. Barbara Fuchs, University of Washington, "The Frontier Within: The Moriscos and the Limits to Spanish Identity"

3. Timothy Walker, Boston University, "The Role of Licensed Physicians at Court and in the Inquisition during the Reign of Joao V"


C.  Conference Room

8C. Early Modern Lisbon in Portugal’s Maritime Empire

Chair: George Winius, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

1. Mark Cooper Emerson, University of California, Santa Barbara, "The Hidden Island of Maria de Macedo: A Millenarian and Utopian Vision during the Restoration in Portugal"

2. William Donovan, Loyola College in Maryland, "Early Modern Lisbon as a Port City"

3. Francis A. Dutra, University of California, Santa Barbara, "Portuguese Maritime Service and the Order of Santiago, 1640-1750"


1:00 - 3:00, Lunch (on your own)


3:00 - 5:00

A.  Auditorium A

9A. The Ancient World

Chair: Silvia Orvietani Busch, Getty Research Institute

1. Luis A. García Moreno, University of Alcalá de Henares, "The Atlantic Searfarings and the Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity"

2. Margarita Vallejo-Girvés, University of Alcalá de Henares, "Hispania: A New Frontier, but also the Last Frontier in Justinian’s Renovatio Imperii"

3. Silvia Orvietani Busch, "The Evolution and Characteristics of Western Mediterranean Ports: From Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages"


B.  Auditorium B

9B. History, Prophecy, and Epic

Chair: Guy Mermier, University of Michigan

1. Shankar Raman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Back to the Future: Prophetic History in Camões’ Os Lusíadas"

2. Marcel E. Pichot, Lake Superior State University, "The Waldensian Epic of Itinerant Vernacular"


C.  Conference Room

9C. The Mediterranean at the End of the Twentieth Century

Chair: T. Scott Clapp, Arizona State University

1. Michele Brondino, SECUM (Association for Science, Education, and Cultures in the Mediterranean), "Language and Mass Media in the Mediterranean Area"

2. Valentina Barbagallo, University of Milan, "Regional Cooperation between Globalization and Fragmentation: The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership"


Mediterranean Studies Association

8 Merrymount Drive, North Dartmouth, MA 02747  USA
