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Mediterranean Studies 16 (2007)



1.Glenn W. Olsen, The Middle Ages in the History of Toleration: A Prolegomena

2. Karen C. Britt, Roger II of Sicily: Rex, Basileus, and Khalif? Identity, Politics, and Propaganda in the Cappella Palatina

3. Sarah Davis-Secord, Muslims in Norman Sicily: The Evidence of Imam al-Mazari’s Fatwas

4. Luis X. Morera, An Inherent Rivalry between Letrados and Caballeros? Alonso de Cartagena, the Knightly Estate, and an Historical Problem

5. W. Keith Percival, Grammar, Humanism, and Renaissance Italy 

6. George L. Gorse, Christopher Columbus and Andrea Doria: The Two Worlds of Renaissance Genoa 

7. Richard F. Hardin, The Renaissance of Plautine Comedy and the Varieties of Luck in Shakespeare and Other Plotters

8. David Ruiter, Shakespeare and Hospitality: Opening The Winter’s Tale  

9. Anne Betty Weinshenker, Supernatural Confrontation: Ancien Régime Illustrations for Molière's Dom Juan 

10. Marilyn D. Rugg, The Women of Orbajosa: Patriarchy as the Definitive Ideology in Galdós’ Doña Perfecta 


About the Contributors:

Karen C. Britt is Assistant Professor of Medieval and Byzantine art and archaeology at the University of Louisville. Her research focuses primarily on the Byzantine provinces of the Near East. She has been involved in archaeological projects in Turkey, Greece, and Israel. Her research has been supported by the Fulbright and Kress foundations, and she was the recipient of a US Department of State Education and Cultural Affairs fellowship in 2007. She has authored a chapter, “The Architecture and Mosaics of the Byzantine Monastery,” in the final excavation report of the Third Wall Excavations, Jerusalem, a publication of the Israel Antiquities Authority and an article, “The Mosaic Pavement in the Sanctuary of the Byzantine Church at Kh. el-Latatin,” in the Israeli journal, ‘Atiqot. She has an article, “Copy it and they will come: a re-evaluation of the Church of St. John at Ephesos” forthcoming. She is currently preparing a manuscript, Heaven on Earth: The Role of Architectural Decoration in the Creation of Sacred Space, for publication with Peeters Press (Leuven).

Sarah Davis-Secord is Assistant Professor of History at the University of Texas, Arlington. Her primary research interests include Christian-Muslim relations in the medieval Mediterranean, the economy and society of medieval Sicily, and networks of travel and communication during the Middle Ages. Her doctorate is from the University of Notre Dame, with a dissertation entitled “Sicily and the Medieval Mediterranean: Communication Networks and Inter-Regional Exchange.”

George L. Gorse is Viola Horton Professor of Art History at Pomona College in Claremont, California. He has published numerous articles on Medieval and Renaissance Genoa, the artistic patronage of Admiral Andrea Doria, Genoese palaces and villas, triumphal entries into sixteenth-century Genoa, and the Strada Nuova as a palace street of representation.

Richard F. Hardin is the Frances L. Stiefel Professor of English at the University of Kansas. His most recent book, Love in a Green Shade: Idyllic Romances Ancient to Modern, developed from a long-standing interest in the Classical tradition in later, especially Renaissance literature. In recent years he has worked on the reception of Plautus in the Renaissance, with articles published in Allegorica, Comparative Drama, and (forthcoming) Renaissance Quarterly. He regularly teaches classes in comedy and earlier literature, especially Shakespeare, Spenser, and Marlowe.

Luis X. Morera is currently a graduate student (ABD) in the History Department at the University of Minnesota, where he is writing a dissertation on “Royal Entries of Late Medieval Spain.” He has received various honors for his research, including a Fulbright Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship, and a Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship from the University of Minnesota’s Graduate School.

Glenn W. Olsen is Professor of Medieval History in the University of Utah, Salt Lake City. He received his PhD from the University of Wisconsin in medieval intellectual and legal history, and also has published on patristics and ecclesiastical history, as well as the history of sexuality and various topics in contemporary theology, philosophy, and political thought.

W. Keith Percival is Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at the University of Kansas. Before arriving at the University of Kansas in 1969, he had taught at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where he founded a department of Linguistics. Before that he had been a staff member and taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Throughout his career, his main scholarly interest has been in the history of linguistics. After arriving at the University of Kansas, he increasingly turned his attention to the development of grammatical writing during the Renaissance and especially in Italy. At the Kenneth Spencer Research Library at the University of Kansas, the rich collection of rare books and manuscripts from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries provided him with hitherto unknown source material bearing on this immense topic. He has published a number of seminal articles, gathered together in his Studies in Renaissance Grammar (2004) and has also written extensively on other periods in the history of linguistics. In 1991, he was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

David Ruiter is Associate Professor of English, Director of the Literature Program, and the Liberal Arts Fellow for the Center for Effective Teaching and Learning at the University of Texas at El Paso. Ruiter published Shakespeare’s Festive History: Feasting, Festivity, Fasting, and Lent in the Second Henriad in 2003. His recent work on Shakespeare has appeared in Spiritual Shakespeares (2005), and in Interactions; he has also contributed an essay on Shakespeare’s Histories to the collection, Teaching Shakespeare and Early Modern Dramatists (2007).

Marilyn D. Rugg is Professor of Spanish at Colgate University. She specializes in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century narrative in Spain, and has published articles on Alberti, Clarín, Gómez de la Serna, and Unamuno. Her current teaching and research interests focus on issues of social justice, the representation of women in literature, and feminist pedagogy.

Anne Betty Weinshenker is Professor of Art History and Director of the Art History Program at Montclair State University. Her primary research interest is French art of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, particularly sculpture. She has published a book on the essays and correspondence of Falconet and articles on Jaillot, Clodion, Diderot’s texts on portrayal of ruins, images of wreathing, chinoiserie sculpture, and perceptions of sculpture’s relationship with idolatry. Her book on the roles and reception of sculpture, entitled A God or a Bench: Sculpture as a Problematic Art during the Ancien Régime is forthcoming.